viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

Original From: Vanessa Vizcuña
Walter and Adis are my grandparents because ther are my mom´s parents. They have 3 kids, my aunts Victoria and Gabriela, and my mom Yanira. Victoria get married with Richard and they have 2 kids, Anndre and Anna. My aunt Gabriela have 2 kids too, with another Richard who is her husband. The older of the kids is Richard and the younger of my cousins is victor.

Gisela and Victor are my grandparents too, they have 3 kids, my uncle Carlos , He get married with Maigualida and the have 2 kids, Fernando and Vicente. My other uncle is Victor, He have 1 Kid, his name is rafael and is my older cousin.

Finally, Manuel and Yanira, Have only one kid, they are my parents. I am only one child.

Corrections From: Valeria Rosales
My mom´s parents are Walter and Adis so they are my grandparents. The have 3 childrens; my aunts Victoria and Gabriela and my mon Yanira.
*Richard is Victoria`s husband and the have 2 children and their names are Anndre and Anna.
*My aunt Gabriela has 2 children too, with Richard her husband. The name or their kids are Richard and Victor.

My father`s parents are Walter and Adis, they are my grandparents, they have 3 children;
*My uncle Carlos who gets married with Maigualida and they have 2 children, Fernando and Vicente.
*My other uncle is Victor, he has 1 son, Rafael and he is my older cousin

Finally, Manuel who is married with Yanira, they only have one child, and they are mi parents.

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